
English note

1. (adj.) customary- according to custom, usual (custom (n.) 習俗. 風俗 (adj.) 訂製的)
  • (a) comprehensive (全面的,包羅萬象的)
  • (b) traditional (傳統的)
  • (c) evident (明顯的,明白的)
  • (d) magnificent (壯麗的,宏偉的)
Ans. (b)

2. (adj.) creative, new, original 原創的,新的
  • (a) warning 警告性的
  • (b) inventive 有創造力的
  • (c) stable 穩定的
  • (d) including 包含
Ans. (b)

3. (adj.) resisting change; desiring to preserve traditions; cautious 不改變. 保護傳統的. 小心謹慎
  • (a) conservative 保守的. 守舊的
  • (b) formatted 有格式的
  • (c) virtual 實際上的,實質上的
  • (d) quarterly 季度的,按季的
Ans. (a)

4. (adj.) articulate; 發音清晰的, 詞意清楚的 eloquent; (able to express your ideas and opinions well, especially in a way that influences people) able to read and write with ease; graceful;flowing
  • (a) fluent 語言流利的,文字流暢的,動作準確. 輕鬆的
  • (b) subsidiary 附屬的,從屬的,次要的
  • (c) versatile 多才多藝的
  • (d) head
Ans. (a)

5. (n.) specialist in repairs of machinery and appliances 專長於修理工具器械的人
  • (a) proposition 觀點,見解
  • (b) leave 離開
  • (c) technician 技術員,技師
  • (d) barter (v.)(n.) 以貨易貨, 貨物貿易 barter away one's freedom 出賣自己的自由
Ans. (c)

6. (n.) pertaining to a value that is approximately in the middle of a series of values 關聯到一個大約在一系列數的中間的值
  • (a) estimate 預測
  • (b) replacement 替代
  • (c) visibility 可見度,能見度
  • (d) mid-range 中間的
Ans. (d)

7. (adj.) flawless; complete; undamaged 無瑕疵的,完整的,未受傷害的
  • (a) perfect 完美
  • (b) discouraged 喪氣,洩氣,使某人失去信心,阻止,不鼓勵
  • (c) elemental 基本的
  • (d) permanent 永久的
Ans. (a)

8. (adj.) in the event of sudden need 突然需要的
  • (a) own 擁有
  • (b) preventive預防的
  • (c) regardless 儘管
  • (d) emergency 緊急的
Ans. (d)

9. (adj.)guilty; dishonest 有罪的, 不誠實的
  • (a) inalienable 不可剝奪的,不可讓予的
  • (b) least最少的
  • (c) fluent 語言流利的
  • (d) fraudulent (intended to deceive people in an illegal way, in order to gain money, power, etc.)詐欺
Ans. (d)

10. (adj.) pertinent中肯的, 有關聯的; relevant; connected 有關聯的
  • (a) germane (adj.)有關的
  • (b) subordinate次要的,附屬的,職位較低的
  • (c) unfair 不公平的
  • (d) proud 自豪的,榮耀的
Ans. (a)


English note 7/9

Paul the Psychic Octopus Is the Real Hero of the World Cup
(from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rory-fitzgerald/paul-the-psychic-octopus_b_639229.html)
  • psychic /ˈsaɪkɪk; ˋsaɪkɪk/ 有通靈能力的
In the face of threats that he would be turned in to calamari, Paul the Psychic Octopus bravely, and accurately, predicted Germany's defeat by Spain yesterday. 儘管面對被變成墨魚圈的威脅,Paul 這隻勇敢的,有超能力的章魚還是準確預測了昨天德國會被西班牙打敗。The German-based psychic octopus has now achieved a 100% accurate prediction rate for the World Cup 2010.這隻德國的超能力章魚在2010年世界盃預測命中率目前高達百分之百。
  • calamari 烏賊,在此我猜是菜餚的名字
An unexpected media phenomenon of the World Cup, Paul has gained such popularity that German television have started to broadcast his predictions on-air, with two reporters sitting by his tank, offering live commentary from his home at Aquarium Sea Life in Oberhausen, Germany. 因為這個世界盃的非預期媒體現象,Paul 的聲望已經讓德國電視台開始直播它的預測,有兩位播報員坐在水族箱旁邊為Paul在Oberhausen的水底生活提供解說。
  • phenomenon /fəˈnɔmɪnən/ (n.) 現象. 非凡的人事物
  • on-air (adv)直播地
  • tank 大容器. 大桶
  • commentary (n.) 實況報導,現場解說
Paul has become world renowned, but recently provoked hostility in South America after the quarter-finals when he correctly predicted that Argentina would lose to Germany. Some Argentineans even threatened to kill Paul and put him in a paella.
  • renown /rɪˈnaun/ (n.) 聲譽. 聲望 renowned 有名的provoke / prəˈvəuk; prəˋvok/ (v.) 激怒. 氣惱
  • hostile /ˈhɔstaɪl;/ (adj.) 有敵意的 hostility (n.) 敵意
  • quarter-finals 四強賽
  • Argentinean 阿根廷人 Argentina 阿根廷
  • paella /paɪˈelə/ 西班牙什錦飯
The newspaper El Dia offered a recipe for any Argentine patriots who managed to capture Paul: "All you need is four normal potatoes, olive oil for taste and a little pepper." 報紙El Dia 提供了一份阿根廷愛國者的回信,他們打算捕捉Paul: "你只需要四個馬鈴薯. 橄欖油和一些胡椒就可以吃。"

The Argentinan chef Nicolas Bedorrou suggested a harsher way to cook the octopus: "We will chase him and put him on some paper. We will then beat him in order to keep the meat tender and then put it in boiling water." 我們會槌打他來讓肉質鬆軟易嚼,然後把它丟入滾水。

  • chef / ʃef; ʃɛf/ 廚師
  • harsh (adj.) 粗糙的
  • chase (v.) 追逐,追尋
  • tender (adj.) 嫩的,易咀嚼的
His keepers encourage Paul to make his predictions by putting mussels into two glass cubes, with each cube having one of the competing nations' flags on the front. Whichever mussel Paul chooses first is taken as his prediction.
  • mussel / ˈmʌsl; ˋmʌsl/胎貝. 淡菜
Paul showed special talents from his early life in Weymouth sea life park in England. According to the park's entertainment director Daniel Fey: "There was something about the way he looked at our visitors when they came close to the tank. It was so unusual, so we tried to find out what his special talents were."

The first time Paul's psychic abilities were tested was during the UEFA Euro 2008 soccer championship when he was proven correct in 80% of predictions made. Paul 的超能力在2008年的歐洲杯足球賽初次展現,已被證明有八成的預測準確率。Paul's current keeper in Germany, Oliver Walenciak, says Paul is not bothered by the death threats sent by Argentinean supporters, some of whom now blame the octopus for their World Cup exit:
"There are always people who want to eat our octopus but he is not shy and we are here to protect him as well. He will survive."
  • blame 歸咎,責怪
Paul's antics have been reported to millions throughout the world, adding yet another light-hearted and quirky twist to the great celebration of humanity that is the World Cup in South Africa. The phrases "Paul the Octopus" and "Pulpo", the Spanish for octopus, are both currently in the top 10 global trends on Twitter. Octopi are apparently highly intelligent animals and have been shown to have a good short and long-term memory. Some say their intelligence is similar to that of a dog. It has been calculated that if you placed accumulator bets on the basis of Paul's predictions at the beginning of this World Cup, you would have now made 131 times your money.
  • antic 滑稽事
  • light-hearted not intended to be serious 不介意的,不介懷的
  • quirky (adj.) unusual, especially in an interesting way 古怪. 詭詐
  • humanity 人性
  • phrase 詞語.
  • twist (v.) 纏繞
But don't base your pension plan on gambling on Paul's predictions during the next World Cup, as Paul is unlikely to live until 2014 - octopi only live an average of 3 to 5 years, and he was born back in 2008. I can see already unprecedented grief for this octopus on his passing, perhaps even a state funeral, as millions unite in silence and the Last Post is played -- on a vuvuzela, of course.
  • pension /ˈpenʃn; ˋpɛnʃən/ (n.) 養老金,撫恤金
  • unprecedented (adj.) 前所未有的
  • grief (n.) 憂傷
  • funeral (n.) 葬禮
Calamari will never taste the same again.


星期二- 公益服務日



過了一個小時瑞麟來換我的工作,接下來是去幫照護中心換床單。該換的有枕巾、大床單、中床單。 大部分病床上有一塊防水墊,用來阻絕排泄物跟床墊接觸。換床單蠻簡單,只是如果一個人換會蠻麻煩的,床墊很大,要整理的東西很多。有個困擾是換床單的過程中被子跟枕心不知往哪擺,學長又說不能擺地上,所以大部分是放在沒有人的鄰床上,但是有些人就是不喜歡自己的床上面被擺別人的被褥,他們認為很髒,就會罵人。今天有個阿婆就罵人了,而且是一直嘮叨的那種,只能說世界上人百百種,當兵就忍忍吧。

English note 7/5

Oil spill a disaster for Gulf

When an oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, it left over 200,000 gallons of oil leaking into the water every day. Despite attempts to block and burn the oil, it reached land and has had a devastating impact on the ecosystem. The American government is looking for ways to make sure that such a terrible event does not happen again.

spill 溢出,灑出
Gulf 墨西哥灣
oil rig 鑽油井
devastating impact 毀滅性衝擊
ecosystem 生態系統

Entering the age of zettabytes

With every new Facebook status, text message, or photo posted online, you are adding to the world digital content. Each small information exchange adds up, and it is believed that this year the world will have more than one zettabyte of information. That is equal to a million million gigabytes. There seems to be no end in sight for this rapid growth.

zettabyte 兆位元組


Friday again again



最近會去Balance買飲料,倒不是因為她的飲料好喝,因為有一個還蠻可愛的女生在那邊工作,所以中午會去看一下她 (我是不是太好控制了阿!) 跟阿修閒聊的時候也會聊到她,阿修很賤一直說我一定不敢去要電話,昨天就真的抱著想要電話的心理去買飲料。只是當她拿飲料給我的時候,話到嘴邊又硬生生吞了回去,我都不知道我在幹麻,rehearse多少遍還是說不出幾個字 "注意你很久了,可以給我你的電話嗎?" 一方面害怕被拒絕,二方面我不想阿修笑我,或許真的試想很多吧,終究是沒有跟她要電話。所以阿修就開始叫我小孬孬,我承認真的是 orz 所以我要多練習幾次,多去找她幾次!總是會有機會跟她開口!那如果她不想給我的話就....再說,頂多不去杯樂買飲料了嘛!

結果今天去又沒有要了...旁邊有個阿伯在買我不想要給他看到我在要電話 ><